Servicing the Worlds Metal Finishing Needs Since 1997

Call Today (561)844-0100

General Applications

Oil Drilling

NiBRON® can be applied to the metal shafts and hardware associated with drilling including exotic steel alloys and beryllium copper. NiBRON® is resistant to hydrochloric acids which provide  better wear resistance than chrome during the drilling process.

Glass Industry

NiBRON® has been successfully used to improve the service life of tools used in forming glass containers. NiBRON® improves wear properties and makes available unique release agent properties through the low co-efficient of friction.


NiBRON® has been successfully used as a coating on cutting tools, forming tools, jigs and fixtures. It's expected that there will be an increase of recognition for this type application in the near future.



NiBRON® has many applications in various industries.
Call  or email us at for more information.

Toll Free: 866-300-6652

Purecoat International, LLC

3301 Electronics Way

West Palm Beach, Florida 33407

Office: (561)844-0100

Toll Free: (866)300-6652
